Fresh Ideas for a Holiday Office Party Your Team Will Love!

The holidays are hereā€”and your annual office holiday shindig is just around the corner! Instead of doing the same thing again this year, why not try these fresh ideas to keep everyone feeling festive and engaged.

The holidays are here—and your annual office holiday shindig is just around the corner!  Instead of doing the same thing again this year, why not try these fresh ideas to keep everyone feeling festive and engaged:

An awesome holiday gift exchange. Instead of having people blindly buy gifts for people they don’t know outside of work, get participants to submit a list of their favorite things. This should be interests rather than specific items. Then everyone will be able to shop easily and actually enjoy the gift they receive! 

Have a holiday movie fest. Instead of a boring holiday lunch, why not do something different and see a movie as a group either onsite (with lots of awesome snacks!) or at a theater? You can do it in the afternoon or evening which can allow everyone on your team to participate. 

Volunteer together. If your team gets right into the holiday spirit, spending a morning or an afternoon doing good for others can be a ton of fun. Plus, it shows that your company is community-minded.

Create a holiday photo booth. You can rent a holiday photo booth or you can simply make a few backgrounds, leave out some props, and have employees snap pictures to share on your company’s Facebook page, Instagram, and website. You might even want to make a photo gift for each staff member, too!

Play together. Instead of a calorie-heavy potluck or dinner out, you could bring your team together with an ice skating, sledding, skiing or outdoor caroling party.  Everyone can participate at their own comfort level and warm up with hot cocoa and a few goodies afterward.

Have an ugly sweater or office decorating contest. Nothing stirs up team spirit like a little festive and friendly competition! Have everyone wear an ugly holiday sweater and/or decorate their workspace, let the voting take place, then declare a winner and celebrate with a trophy that can travel next year.

While it’s easy to just do the same old party year after year, there’s no better way to show your team how much they are valued than to put a little extra effort into a holiday celebration for them. Once you start tossing around some of the ideas above, you may even have some team members who want to help out, too!  

Author: The Guest Table